Diana Goss Award

Diana GossThe annual Diana Goss award ($500 AUD) is offered for an original and thought-provoking professional paper that enhances the theory and practice of supervision in Clinical Pastoral Education.

This award is made in honour of Diana Goss, the pioneer of CPE in New Zealand. Further information on Diana is available in the New Zealand page under the Associations menu of this website.

Scroll down for Guidelines & Requirements for submitting a paper. Further details regarding the award and submitting a paper may be found here. 


Past Winners of the Award

Winners of the award and their paper can be accessed on the links below, or via the sub-menus of this page.

2019 – Award not issued

2018 – Award not issued

2017 – David Glenister

2016 – David Oliphant

2012 – Barbara Messner

Guidelines and Requirements

The Paper needs:

  • To be an original work
  • To follow either the APA Style – for an example of the APA Referencing Style Guide see Waikato University Library www.waikato.ac.nz/library/study/referencing/styles/apa or the Chicago Style – for an example of the Chicago referencing Style see Monash University http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/chicago
  • To have an Introductory Abstract of no more than 150 words describing the key arguments of the paper and conclusions reached o to conclude with a Summary and a List of the References cited
  • To not exceed 3000 words (excluding the Introductory Abstract, the concluding Summary, and the List of References cited)
  • To comply with non-sectarian, non-racist and non-sexist conventions, except by way of fair illustration for comment
  • To be sent as a Word Document to Roy Alexander, royalexander@inspire.net.nz
  • To be accompanied by a stand-alone Information Page containing the name, address, phone number, and email address of the author (this information will not be given to the assessors)

Expected Quality of Content

The Paper will:

  • Present material that enhances the theory and practice of supervision in Clinical Pastoral Education be of a standard that could be submitted to a professional journal for publication
  • Present material that is based on sound pastoral, theological, sociological and psychological principles (this does not prevent the author from entering controversial areas; however, the paper’s proposals must be able to sustain serious pastoral, theological, sociological and psychological scrutiny)


  • The paper shall be read by at least three assessors o the identity of author will not be known to the assessors
  • The decision of the assessors shall be final
  • In the event that no Paper is deemed to be of sufficient quality, the prize will not be awarded that year

Final Outcome

  • When the assessors have decided the winner of the award, the recipient of the award will be provided with a designated session at the Annual ANZACPE Conference to present the Paper and to engage in dialogue with the conference participants
  • In the event that the author is unable to attend the Conference, other ways for the material to be presented will be decided by the Conference Organising Committee