The Board of Directors

ANZACPE business is overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of the Association’s:

  • elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and Professional Standards committee Chair), AND
  • a representative from each Member Association


President – Annie Baker (QICPE)

Bio to be supplied


Vice President – Leanne Jenski (SANTACPE)

Jenski is passionate about holistic Spirituality and she describes herself as a very unreligious Rev. She has been a Rev for 23 years now but has spent more time working on the edges of the Uniting Church in Chaplaincy rather than as a Minister in a church.

Jenski has been part of the CPE network for over 10 years and is a Pastoral Educator. She is the Centre Director for the St Andrew’s Hospital CPE Centre in Adelaide. She also oversees the CPE units run in Darwin


Secretary – Susanne Schmidt

Susanne works as a Pastoral Care Manager at a Canberra Hospital and is also a Clinical Pastoral Educator. In a previous life she was a primary school teacher and also worked in a Catholic parish in pastoral care. She holds qualifications in Education and in Pastoral Supervision. She has interests in research and in modern spiritualities and has been published and presented at conferences in these areas. She is married to Neil and a parent to young adults and loves to read and travel and do puzzles. Her family enjoy raucous conversations around the dinner table doing the weekend quizzes from the newspaper and debating politics and trying to out-joke each other.


Treasurer – Cathy Brown

Cathy Brown has been a CPE Supervisor since 2008 and a volunteer Pastoral Carer since 2004.  As an accredited CPE Educator for the Queensland Institute of Clinical Pastoral Education (QICPE Inc), Cathy conducts CPE units at the Prince Charles Hospital, Logan Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital and in Townsville.  She enjoys being able to help the ANZACPE committee in a very practical way through her treasurer duties


Registrar – Peter Brown

Peter Brown is a CPE Supervisor with the New Zealand Association. He is a member of the Wellington group. He is an Anglican priest. His qualifications include M.Sc., Ad.dip. Theol., Cert.Ed. Though now almost retired his professional life was spent variously as a teacher (theology and philosophy), high school senior leader and Chaplain in U.K. and N.Z. Latterly he has been responsible for the management of hospital chaplains in New Zealand’s lower North Island.


Chair of Professional Standards Committee – Heather Somerville

Heather is a Clinical Pastoral Education Consultant within ASACPEV and Manager of Spiritual and Pastoral Care Department and CPE Centre Director at St Vincent’s Public Hospital in Melbourne. Prior to her current Manager position, Heather worked for 15 years as a CPE Supervisor and Educator at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne. Heather holds a Bachelor of Theology and a Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision. Heather came to Hospital based Spiritual care following involvement in various forms of church-based  and interdenominational ministries. Heather is married to Andrew, also a CPE Supervisor and Educator, and together they have 3 children and their first grandchild is due in 2024


Stephen Delbridge (ASACPEV)

Stephen Delbridge is a Level 2 Clinical Pastoral Supervisor in the Austin CPE Centre in Melbourne.  Stephen has been supervising CPE for ten years and has been in clinical spiritual practice for 19 years.  Stephen’s encounter with CPE began as a youth leader and then after completing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science informed his practice as an Agricultural Consultant in the Victorian Mallee.  Stephen and his wife Elizabeth followed their calls to Anglican ministry, completing Bachelors in Divinity, and were ordained in the same ordination service in St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral.  After some time in parish ministry Stephen secured the position as Anglican Chaplain at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. When he became Coordinator of Anglican Chaplains for the Diocese he began supervision training and has offered this expertise to those in formation and training and those discerning a vocation in spiritual care ministry.  Stephen is a Life Member of Spiritual Care Australia having offered leadership on the Board and in the SCA Victorian branch.  Stephen is on the Council and Vice-Chair of the Board of Spiritual Health Association.  Stephen was elected to the ASAPEV executive in 2018.


Helen Vester (ACPEWA)

Helen is a Provisional Clinical Pastoral Education Consultant based in Perth, offering CPE both online and in mixed modes. She has a background in pastoral care in both hospitals and prisons. Her former career was as a High School teacher. Passionate about pastoral care, education and supervisor training, she is currently offering opportunities to CPE supervisors in training from different associations and offering online CPE for participants in Tasmania and Alice Springs. In her spare time Helen enjoys hiking and travel.


Amy Finiki (NZACPE)

Amy Finiki is a Clinical Pastoral Educator from the Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand Centre. She is a Spiritual Pastoral Therapist at Porirua Hospital working in Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disabilities Services. Amy began her CPE career in 2007 at a Level 1 Trauma Centre in New York. Her qualifications include: Associate in Arts for Humanities, Bachelor of Science in Religion and Master of Divinity.


Barbara Hall (NSWCCPE)

Bio to be supplied


Paul Hueston (TASPE)

Paul has been a CPE supervisor since 2011 and is currently the Centre Director at the Tasmanian Centre for CPE, based at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH). Paul is the current president of the Tasmanian Association for Supervised Pastoral Education and is coordinator of the RHH Chaplaincy Services. Paul has been at the RHH since 2011 and before that was working as Chaplain at Liverpool Hospital Sydney. Paul has degree qualifications in Theology and in Aviation Technology and is passionate about pastoral care supervision and training, especially in the health care context.