Provisioning the Voyage
Hobart, Tasmania – September 9-13
The Tasmanian Association for Supervised Pastoral Education hosted the 2018 ANZACPE Conference ‘Provisioning the Voyage’ in Hobart, Tasmania.
‘Provisioning the Voyage’ was designed as an interactive and engaging opportunity to encourage and explore pastoral supervision.
Our guest speaker, The Rev Dr. Michael Paterson used the theme of Provisioning the Voyage to explore what we need to ‘Embark’ on supervision, being ‘At Sea’ as we navigate supervisory practice and ‘Reflecting on the Voyage’ to learn it’s lessons.
The Rev. Dr Michael Paterson
Michael is an Anglican priest, psychotherapist, pastoral supervisor and trainer based in Fife, Scotland. He is director the Institute of Pastoral Supervision and Reflective Practice ( and consultant to the NHS Education for Scotland Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Unit. Michael sits on the editorial boards of Practical Theology and the Journal of Health & Social Care.
10th September – State Reception
The State Reception was a great event enjoyed by all! Attendees had the opportunity to hear from and meet the Governor of Tasmania – the Her Excellency the Honorable Professor Kate Warner.
Conference Workshops were structured around the theme

Hobart Waterfront
Our venue is near the beautiful port of Hobart. Ships leave here for all parts of the world. Crews of these ships need to be qualified, skilled and resilient. The boats need to be well provisioned.
On our ‘voyages’ as supervisors and spiritual carers, we need to be similarly well prepared, with the skills, knowledge and provisions required for a safe journey. Do we know where we are going? Are our ‘passengers’ safe because of our preparation and skill? What are we learning that will improve voyages in the future? How can we do things better? As we turn our gaze towards new horizons on the voyage, are we ready to meet all challenges?
Workshops and seminars help clear our vision, give us new language, open our minds and prepare us to set sail.
Review Committees
Post Conference – Education in Supervision
Thursday 13th and Friday 14th September 2018
We are also excited that the Rev. Dr. Michael Paterson will be with us to provide input and teaching for our Education in Supervision Program. This will be a great opportunity!
Always good to get education before you embark!
We’d hate for you to sink because you didn’t provision the voyage or ship properly!
Click the link: For information on the Education in Supervision Program
Conference Program and details
Click here for the Conference Program