Shame in Pastoral Supervision: Education Day – NSWCCPE
31/03/2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Shame in Pastoral Supervision
Judith Dunbar will lead us in reflecting on the impact of shame in pastoral supervision.
Education Day via Zoom
Date: Friday March 31
Cost: $40
Registrations close: Monday March 27
Email RSVP’s: carolynCCPE@outlook.com
9.30: Acknowledgment of Country and Reflection
9.45-12.00: Workshop: Shame: The Dark Side of Reflective Supervision?
Brené Brown says that we feel guilty when we see our actions as bad, but we feel shame when we see ourselves as bad.
Juliet Grayson refers to the ‘subtle poison of shame: how we unwittingly hurt each other and pass shame on.’
Gershan Kaufan describes shame as ‘an inner torment, a sickness of the soul’.
Shame is a complex issue in reflective supervision. It can render us incapable of valuing ourselves. Embarrassed and violated, we may shrink away or lash out at ourselves or others.
We will discuss the effects of shame in relation to power and relationships in pastoral supervision. There will be opportunities to break into discussion groups with a fifteen-minute break at 10.45 for morning tea.
12.00-12.30: Lunch
12.30-1.25: Group Supervision 1
1.30-2.25: Group Supervision 2
2.30-3.25: Group Supervision 3
3.25-3.45: Group response and final reflection
All supervisors will have an opportunity to present material for group supervision. You are asked to bring a Supervision Evaluation Review (SER) to the afternoon session to be discussed in your small group.