Review Committee Candidates Wendy Mckay (WA); Liz Dyson (SA); Barbara Hall (NSW); Jenni Wegener (Vic); Val Riches (NZ); Judith Dunbar (NSW); Kath McLean (NZ).

Review Committee Candidates
Wendy Mckay (WA); Liz Dyson (SA); Barbara Hall (NSW); Jenni Wegener (Vic); Val Riches (NZ); Judith Dunbar (NSW); Kath McLean (NZ).


Seven supervisors presented to review committees at the 2016 ANZACPE Conference.

Four of these (Liz Dyson, Barbara Hall, Wendy McKay, and Val Riches) were seeking accreditation as Level II CPE Supervisors; two of them (Judith Dunbar and Kath McLean) presented for re-accreditation at Level II, and Jenni Wegener presented for re-accreditation at Level III.

All candidates were successful, and the Association congratulates these people on their wonderful achievements.

The CPE review process is a rigorous, professional undertaking, demanding of all candidates a high level of ability to demonstrate their effectiveness as pastoral practitioners, CPE supervisors, and CPE educators.

In accord with the unique CPE approach to learning, the entire review process is based upon each candidate’s demonstrated experiences as a pastoral person, supervisor and educator, and upon their capacity to reflect upon those experiences in a personal, professional and theological/spiritual framework.

Each candidate spends considerable time and energy in writing up extensive materials for review (as prescribed in the Association Standards). In the lead-up to review, the Association sets up a review committee panel of five supervisors for each candidate, and the candidate forwards their material to their particular committee two weeks prior to review. Thus, by the time the candidate and committee meet there has already been extensive reflection upon the materials presented.

The day of review typically occupies 3-4 hours of quite intensive inter-action between the candidate and committee members. The intention of this time together is to tease out, expand upon and further explore the various important themes and growth areas within the supervisor’s practice. And at the end of that time, based upon the total review experience, the committee makes its affirmations and recommendations.

After all that is concluded, a report is submitted by each review committee to the ANZACPE Professional Standards Committee, which ensures that all due processes have been properly followed, and which then endorses or not the committee’s findings. And, finally, the results of the review are forwarded to the candidate’s local Association for their endorsement.

A successful review process is, without a doubt, a cause for celebration by all who participate in it.

73561861Note: All necessary information for applying for a review committee is available under the Resource menu on this website, and can also be accessed by clicking here.